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Orthoflex stitchdown

Hi All,

I live in Canada and haven't paid a lot of attention to the Orthoflex
situation because with our dollar exchange rate and potential customs/duty
fees, purchasing an orthoflex from the US would cost me well over 50% more.

I have discovered that a person living about 1½ hours from me has one for
sale. It is the Orthoflex stitchdown endurance model. She's encouraging me
to try it out.

My hesitation: I've noted an awful lot of Orthoflex saddles for sale on Classifieds. Does this have something to do with the company
going out of business and a lack of availability of accessory parts? I'm
just worried that if I buy one I'll then find myself, down the road, unable
to access replacement stuff for it (?). Sorry if this is a stupid question,
but I'm not very familiar with what makes the Orthoflex saddles unique and
don't want to drive for 1½ hours if it's pointless to buy an Orthoflex now
that the company is no longer there.

Also, anyone's feedback on their experience with the stitchdown endurance
model would be greatly appreciated.  :-)

Thx... Janet

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