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Re: RC: Freeze Branding

"Corbelletta, Antonio" wrote (to RideCamp):
> ...We have Arabians and they used to freeze
> brand them.  But I heard that the Registry does not do that anymore.   Does
> anyone know how one goes about getting horses freeze branded?...
> Also, someone suggested that one could get their own brand registered with
> the state.  How much does that cost?  We live in Calif.  That sounds kinda
> cool, my own brand!


There is a freeze marking clinic coming up 22nd September here
in Sacramento. 

The lady who's organizing it is Lisa Pagano at
She's out of town this week (in the BA), but can be reached by 
cell phone, which I can give you if you're interested.

Although I don't know for sure, I'm assuming that they will
make the "standard" mark on the side of the horse's neck, as
seen at this web page:

(I don't think this is the company that is doing the clinic
in Sac - it's just for reference.)

I believe they are charging $100 a horse (which, if you think
of it as lifetime insurance, is pretty cheap), and asking for
a $50 deposit ahead of time. You'll need your horse's papers
or a bill of sale.

I plan to take both my two horses down to get them marked (been 
waiting for this for a long time). 

In addition, I've asked Lisa to find out how much they would charge 
to do BOTH sides of the neck (hopefully nothing, seeing as they'll
have the brand already made up and it would only take a few minutes
extra to do both sides?).

The reason I want both sides done, is that I heard somewhere that 
feed lots will only glance at one side, and don't necessarily lift 
the mane. One of my horses has a mane that falls on both sides, 
so I'm esp. vigilant for her (the other has practically no mane, 
but that's another story <grin>).

Hope this helps.

Lucy Chaplin Trumbull -
Repotted english person in Garden Valley (Sierra Foothills), CA 

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