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Pac update Friday eve

-----Original Message-----
From: Suzanne Hayes []
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2001 8:14 PM
To: Steph Teeter
Subject: Pac update Friday eve

Steph & Ridecamp,

I have a couple of minutes so will update all on PAC current happenings
(hopefully this will not be a repeat of other posts! which I haven't read as
I only can get online once per day in the evenings).

First a couple of tidbits:  Valerie Kanavy is not riding as she opted to not
start Big Sky Chance because of a cut and Bearcat had a respiratory problem.
Smoke Silver with Connie Walker also had respiratory symptoms.  However, as
current PAC Champion, Connie has the option of riding any horse she chooses,
so she is riding an extra horse that Darolyn Butler brought up which I
believe is Razzmatazz something.  I believe there were around 6 horses that
didn't pass the pre-ride exam making around 90 (purely a sort of educated
guess) to start.  From the "camp discussion" some of the favorites are Stagg
Neuman, Heather Bergantz, Rita Swift, Christi Janzen, Bianca Loseth, Steve &
Dinah Rojek.  There are riders from Australia, Brazil, Germany, Romania,
Great Britain, and Mexico.

Teams were posted this evening and are as follows (I apologize for not
having horses names listed):

Brenda Baird
Stagg Neuman
Dinah Rojek
Meg Sleeper

Shelly Bridges
Roberta Harms
Tracy Webb-Hoskins
Jan Worthington

Karen Dicamello
Carla Eigenauer
Susan Horne
Carrie Miracle

Pacific North:
Marie Mallon
Dennis Summers
Karen Vilander
Jazon Wonders

Pacific South:
Heather Bergantz
Kathy Campbell
Dave Cootware
Lori Oleson

Canada East:
Earl Baxter
Wendy Benns
Carol Steiner
Deb Strand

Canada West:
Trish Dowling
Larry Handziuk
Christi Janzen
Bianca Loseth

I will try to post tomorrow but not sure how often I will be able to get

Weather is warm and the report is for low humidity and temperature to be in
the low 80's.

Suzanne Hayes
AERC #784

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