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Re: RC: saddle fitting

White hairs are definitely considered to be a sign of improper saddle fit.  
Even if you don't have the quick change tree version of the Wintec, it's not 
that hard to change the tree.  A friend of mine had a saddle maker unstitch 
the gullet and replace the tree.  It is just riveted in, and you can get the 
tree for about $30. (or at least you could a couple years ago).  I think the 
whole change cost her about $60. and she got it done in a couple days.  You 
just have to find a saddle maker or leather worker who is a bit adventurous.  
As far as buying a different saddle, it's hard for any one to say without 
seeing the horse what might fit.  There are a lot of good saddles out there, 
they all have their supporters and their detractors.  The best thing to do is 
read the all the saddle fitting info you can get your hands on, then try a 
bunch of different saddles.  You have to really ride in a saddle for at least 
a couple hours (long enough to get a good sweat pattern minimum) to get an 
idea whether it fits.  You should pay attention to how your horse acts when 
you put the saddle on, and when you girth it up.  Then you should pay 
attention for things like unusual amount of tail swishing, "shivering" the 
skin around the withers, unusual amount of jigging, whether the horse seems 
to move with shorter strides than normal, or any other signs that the horse 
might be uncomfortable.  Since the horse has been ridden for some time in a 
saddle that didn't fit, you might just notice an improvement in behavior when 
you put on and ride in a saddle that fits.  I have been through the great 
saddle hunt several times.  It's no fun, sometimes expensive, but in the end 
it's nice to know your horse is comfortable.  My last saddle search ended up 
with me contacting the saddle company I bought my newest saddle from.  Their 
saddler was able to widen the tree and restuff.  It now seems to fit.   Best 
of luck.   jeri

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