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Re: RC: RE: Conflict of Interest

In any sport at the highest level one must produce winners or be down the road.
How many big time college basketball coaches keep their jobs with a losing
record and how many absolute jerks who can produce winning teams keep their jobs
no matter what they do off the court.

FEI endruance is big time high level sports - and just like any other big time
high profile sports it's you win or you are history. And I see nothing wrong
with that. After the last year it would be nice to put some dynamite under AERC
Int to produce a team that can in fact win.

There seems to be two choices here. One is the AHSA which ( I didn't realize
until Maggie's column ) is a for profit corporation. They are beholding to their
stockholders to produce a profit - period, end of discussion. The USET is a 501
C3, as is the AERC so while they may be beholding to their sponsors to only
support winners ( which is not a bad thing ), they are not driven by the profit

So are we between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea here?


Bob Morris wrote:

> The USET MUST satisfy their sponsors or the finances dry up. The only way to
> do this is to win! If Endurance does not produce the prerequisite winners,
> how long will USET continue to support a losing image?
> Very serious things to think about. Compare the type of riders in combined
> training or dressage with those currently doing endurance. A vast difference
> in personality and financial standing. Any one can try for the Endurance
> Championships but not any  one can do this for the other disciplines.
> Endurance is unique in that you and I can be competitors on any level we
> want, let's keep it that way.
> Bob Morris

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