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RE: Barney/Valerie

Be careful of what you ask for. <<<How do we go about influencing, or can we, the USOC into designating  USET the NGB. >>>
As I pointed out The AHSA  aand the FEI have similar clauses and I am sure that if the USET is designated to be the NGB they will have a clause in their operating procedures that requires the same. 
It is called power by control!  The USOC has lioke rules also. This is nothing new in the relm of national and international organizations. If you want to play their game you play by their rules. It is their way or the highway!
Bob Morris 
-----Original Message-----
From: Annie George []
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 3:14 PM
To: RideCamp
Subject: RC: Barney/Valerie

 I finally got my July EN.  I am appalled that the AHSA  has the nerve to so  impose themselves into our sport/ organization/ discipline.  Obviously Barney hit the mark. ( Atta Boy !) So,  Valerie. How do we go about influencing, or can we, the USOC into designating  USET the NGB.  The AERC is certainly a prize, It's no wonder to me why they all want us.  But we have been independent, and hopefully remain so. Just as Truman said, Tell them to go pound sand.  I am not an international rider, pretty sure I will not ever be. I do support those who do wish to compete internationally, and I would love to see our teams in the Olympics. But I am keenly interested in preserving my sport and  my  AERC as it is.  Annie
Anne George Saddlery

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