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Fwd: RC: NASTR Board Members.........

In a message dated 6/22/01 11:25:16 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

?  I've been in this aport 14 years and have seen one
horse die.  I hung out

would this be Oakland Hills last year, 2000?  If someone were to really check
into this, I'm sure it would be found that more than 1 horse has died
during/after an endurance ride due to rider's stupidness and vets believing
that the rider "would walk his/her horse in to finish"!!  If the vet has that
concern, pull the horse.  I have seen some riders who were told that same
thing, "go slow" and when out of sight, gone................   Remember, the
vets are for the horses.  They shouldn't be concerned with "upsetting" the
rider or "coach" if they aren't using common sense and yes "we" are
resopnisble for our horses, but if we "can't/won't" see a problem with them,
the vets should step in and take it out of our hands.
Our horses do what we ask thinking that we as humans will know when to slow
down or when something is wrong.  If you don't know the horse you are riding,
forget about finishing first, go moderate and finish with a horse that will
live to do another ride.


p.s, see no blame so please no flame

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>> Can you please shed some light on what happened to this horse. All I
can think about is how could this 19 year old 
> "newbie" loped her horse the whole 50 miles!!! 

Would everyone PLEASE slow down.  All I can see here is a lot of people
jumping to conclusions over hearsay.  Duane Barnett is head of the vet
committee.  He asked for eye witnesses.  I think everyone else should
chill.  Sometimes it's good to hash things out fast on ridecamp...other
times it's better to proceed slowly and Endurance News is a better venue.
 Unless somebody rode right with this 19 year old you do not know that he
loped the whole way. Sounds like a comment one person made and others
quickly repeated as fact.  What does it look like when a person logs on
to for the first time and the subject line "horse dying" is
all down the page?  I've been in this aport 14 years and have seen one
horse die.  I hung out at the race track in Florida and saw 3 horses die
in ONE NIGHT of racing.  Our record is good....incredibly good compared
to some of the other sports.  It is good compared to large "wagon train"
type trail rides.  We will get to the bottom of it.  Let's not form any
lynch mobs.

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