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LD, curse or benefit?

So, let's say we have a person (okay, me...) who loves the idea of an organized sport that promotes good horsemanship, is conducted with professionalism, has a safe and sane *mildly* competitive environment, who enjoys the comraderie of skilled, dedicated horse folks AND who is a person who will NEVER do more than 30 miles. Is this person not welcome at AERC by those of you who are so negative about LD? There is no CTR in my part of the country. Does that mean I have no opportunity to ride in such an environment?
Thanks Truman and Lisa for helping me feel like I am not a pariah in this, my first season of learning about endurance riding.
Terry B/Salem
-----Original Message-----
From: jsalas <>
To: ridecamp <>; <>
Date: Thursday, June 21, 2001 5:04 AM
Subject: RC: Re: LD, What is it?

I don't get it either,Truman. Some one suggested (and not very politely at that)maybe I should start my own LD organization. But hey! That could work! I have read over and over again, LD is for conditioning and training only. How long does it take to condition and train? There are people who have been doing LD for 2 or more years. By then one would think that the horse is more than ready to boogie if one chooses. It doesn't take that long to get a thoroughbred on the track and they are only running for a few minutes, not miles.It has also been stated that LD is for "newbies", but at the same time it has been acknowledged that some people are starting a new horse or bringing a horse back. They are not new to the sport and know full well what they are doing. Then I read that maybe LD riders need to have their ego stroked, therefore insist on awards like the other riders. HMMM. Let's slow them down, not reward them at all but just let them support our rides financially. When, and only when you can ride 50 miles or more, are you and your horse worthy. Until then, LD'ers must be kept in check, slowed down and be separate from the rest of the pack. If LD riders are such a plague, why doesn't RM eliminate them from their rides? Double HMMM. Yep! I bet I could start an LD organization and do  well, thank you very much. Nah! I'll just keep riding in the SE where there is some common sense, fewer control freaks and thick sand just in case I do come off, for any reason. Lisa Salas, The Odd FArm

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