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Jean Wonser
Spurs have a use in horsemanship and not having
them when needed can be a serious error.  There
is always the potential for even a well trained
mount to disobey at a cruical moment.
For example, I have ridden across Interstates on
overpasses.  There is no room for disobedience in
such a moment.  

Removing the potential for a rider to tack up
with the equipment they deem necessary is an
infringement  on their horsemanship.

I disagree with the FEI rule 'no spurs'  and
will lobby strongly if any AERC board tries
to go the same route.  

Some people will cry about this but I have also seen
riders carry branches made into whips during a ride
and toss it if they needed to-- So just making another
rule is not the solution.

Enforce the abuse rule we already have and go ride.

Jean Wonser 
FL   AERC 5352

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