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Re: jogging/trotting on pavement

Title: Re:  jogging/trotting on pavement
on 5/28/01 7:59 AM, Kelsey M <> wrote:

Okay- I have a question. I was watching horse TV the
other night and they showed the championship endurance
ride that was in England in 1995 or 96 or sometime a
few yrs ago. Anyway- as they showed the horses
trotting on the beach- and then getting closer to
town- they just jogged over the pavement like it was
no big deal. and they did it for quite a distance.

Please pardon my stupidity, but I was always taught
not to trot your horse on pavement for long distances.
Its not good for their legs, especially w/ the extra
weight of the rider. Do you train for this? Am I

I was told to trot on pavement to build up the bone density/ strike tolerance of the leg bones.

I was also told that cantering is a no-no on pavement.

I use Easy Boots for the traction and to keep from wearing off too much hoof (I keep my horse barefoot most of the time, at rides I used foamed on Easy Boots and have had very few problems).

But everything in moderation.  I prefer to ride on soft trails, but sometimes only the roads are avalable (anyone else have a damn wet winter?).

Be careful with shod horses on pavement.  I have seen horses have all four feet come out from under them while *walking* on pavement.

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