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Re: Bill's vet cards

Tom Ivers ( said:

>At any rate, I will now provide scanned copies of the vet cards of the three 
>races Bill won to those who had the courage to support him. His detractors 
>get nothing, and can keep digging their holes deeper. It is my thought that 
>it is better to keep these types thriving on their meaningless and hurtful 
>gossip, and their own hoaxes, while the rest of us get on with building 
>competitive athletes--as Bill has done...

Ivers, only you would try to present N=1 data as scientific evidence.

All that is happening here is that the Endurance community is
finally cottoning on to what the Thoroughbred and Standardbred
racing communities figured out long ago...

Linda B. Merims
Massachusetts, USA

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