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Ortho Flex models?
I looked at a used Ortho Flex yesterday. It was a "Challenger" and was VERY
heavy and I found it almost impossible to post in it. Also, the padding
around the wither area of the saddle was quite smashed in appearance as
opposed to the padding on the rest of the saddle. This lead me to believe
that the saddle put more pressure on the horse in that area than in any
other. Is that an accurate belief? I assume different models are set up
differently -- ie more of a centered seat for better balance during two point
and posting -- but the smashed padding in the withers area really concerned
me. My reason for looking at different saddles is because of excessive
pressure on my horse's withers and the area behind her withers. Are other
models better/different? Anyone have any experience with the "Challenger" as
opposed to the others?
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