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Re: Re: volunteering

Been too busy to read all of this thread, but just had to add my .02 worth, especially when I saw this.
TERA (Texas Endurance Riders Association) and most others in Central Region use the P&R Box just like the Southeast managers do. With this method, there is no reason for the rider to be concerned with 'counting seconds' as their time stops when they step through the gate into the box.
And TERA has Bo Parrish or Jerry Fagalde to help those newbies who have trouble catching the pulse on any 'hard to hear' equine. These two always tells the new pulse takers that if they have any trouble hearing the pulse to just get Bo or Jerry's attention.
This gate or box should become the norm across the country.... Then we wouldn't be hearing about those poor souls pressed into service and getting darts stared into the back of their necks.  :-)
Linda Parrish
Kennard, TX
-----Original Message----- wrote:
>Secondly (and I think more importantly) someone has to stress to
>the volunteers that it is COMMON to have problems with some horses.   They
>really need to have it reinforced that the thing to do when they can't get a
>pulse is to ask for help!    Not to get too deeply into the psycho-babble
>here, but people have to get permission to admit it when they need a hand.  
>Otherwise, as two of our most illustrious members have demonstrated, they
>just fib  :-)
>Just my 2 cents - anybody else have ideas about how to minimize this problem?
>pat farmer

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