Title: The Impression PadDear Truman,
I am the inventor of the Impression Pad. I found your post interesting but with all due respect, not very accurate. Please correct me if I am wrong but according to our records you have never purchased an Impression Pad so I presume you have never had the opportunity to try one.
The Impression Pad does do exactly what it is designed to do; it will show a relief pattern based on saddle pressure. It works on exactly the same principle as a dental impression.
One of our Impression Pad customers is the British Society of Master Saddlers in England. In a recent conversation with their veterinary advisor, P Stewart Hastie, MRCVS, he explained to me the problem Cambridge University was having with their computerized saddle fitting system. When they try to take a saddle fit reading while the horse is in motion too much data is generated by the sensing pad making the results difficult to determine. Also, the thickness of the sensing pad on the computerized system artificially jacked up the saddle, changing its fit.