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Rainbows at FEI

Ride Over the Rainbow - June 30th, 2001
AERC Sanctioned 100 miles and 50 mile rides.
FEI Sanctioned 100 mile CEI Category A ride.
Held at Merritt, B.C.  Canada
Trail description:  The start and finish will be at ride camp located 2 Km off Patchett Road, near Merritt, B.C.  All but two vet checks will be in base camp. The trail consists of 85 miles of continuous mountainous trail with 14 miles being ridden twice; once in daylight and once in the dark (if required).  This trail is registered with the British Columbia Department of Parks and Recreation and is included on the Forestry maps.  The night portion of the trail is marked with reflective marking.  Approximately 20% of the trail is on hardpacked forestry road.  The remaining 75% is old grassed over forestry road, cow and deer trails.  The trail has been in use for 12 years.  Footing for the horses will generally be good, but caution is advised in the rocky portions of the trail.  There are no severe hazards along the trail.  There will be several changes in altitude and riders are cautioned to pace their horses accordingly. There will be approximately 8900 feet of vertical gain over the 100 miles.  These gains will range from 400 to 1800 feet.  Riders are cautioned to pace their horses accordingly  The trail is permanently marked with coloured horseshoes differentiating the colours of each loop.  It will also be marked with white ribbon and pie plates in strategic places.

So, if you have any other questions or know of someone who may be interested in coming to Beautiful B.C. (at present rate of exchange each USD buys 1 and a half CDN dollars) for half the price!! contact myself or Terre.
Barbara Holmes-Balmer
Ride Manager
Ride over the Rainbow CEI Cat A

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