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In a message dated 3/27/01 9:37:22 PM Eastern Standard Time, Tivers@AOL.COM 

<< This post should be read and reread by the entire list until its abject 
 stupidity finally sinks in. 
 ti >>

Gee, Tom, it's great to have you back. How long are you staying this time?  
If it takes stupidity to keep you here, I'll just have to post more often.  
I'd join your site but I doubt if I'd last a day before you deemed me 

Since you seem to have an objective insight on the Sheiks,  enlighten us as 
to where the misperceptions lie.  And, please, don't go on and on and on 
about how great it is to be professional and if you aren't a pro you can't 
play; some of us really want to keep endurance an amateur sport without the 
racetrack money.  Tell us the solution.  What can be done to bring more 
American endurance riders into FEI?  

And, for this stupid redneck, can you put it in layman's terms so I have a 
chance of understanding just what it is you're saying?


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