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The "unofficial" results are in!

Bill called from a satellite cell phone this morning with the keep in mind that these are UNOFFICIAL results....I don't know much of the details-conversation was all of 4 to 5 minutes....
Karen placed 23rd-or somewhere around there....
Val was vetted out on the last check-I'm unsure why
Steph was vetted out early-Krusty stumbled and was lame
Darolyn was vetted out-her horse hit a steel post or stepped on one or something like that-Bill thought it was going to be fine.
Rita, herself went out....heat exhaustion...he thought she was back in Dubai-possibly in the hospital...
Canadian Christy Janzen finished....unsure where in the standings
Australian Meg Wade and another Australian placed somewhere around 17th and 18th...Kevin Bohm vetted out early on.
Who won?  Bill imagined that it was someone from the UAE....he really didn't know....He was supposed to be out in the desert at some of the P-stops along the way, though I'm not sure if he was...Still not sure if he got the "promised" 4WD the day before the ride...
That's all I know...again, I must stress that this is unofficial....I do know who was pulled and who finished, but the reasons are sketchy....
Jan Stevens

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