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Re: Re: Quest Reaction

----- Original Message -----
From: "Carolyn Stark" <>

> Hi Karen
> We are currently trying to figure out how best to does using Panacur, so
> you get some emails from ridercampers that are helpful, could you pass
> on?  Thanks!
> Carolyn Stark

Okay, here's the deal on how I did it.
I found the best prices in bulk from American Livestock.
I found the best single price dose from Jeffers (about $5 per dose)

If you need to do 4 horses (Panacur Purge, that is 10 doses over 5 days),
then the suspension (cattle wormer) is FAR CHEAPER!
It is $107 for a bottle of 1,000 ml, which, as Susan Garlinghouse kindly
worked out, will do 4 horses for 5 days (double dose)

Since I had 6 horses, and didn't want to buy two of those, I then bought 4
tubes of 92 gram Safeguard (4 doses per tube), so in all, I ended up with
about 60 doses, for $164, with NO SHIPPING.

This worked out to about $27.30 per horse for the Panacur Purge.
Or, you can buy into the marketing and packaging, and pay $59.82, for the
Power pack, for one darn horse!!! For the same thing!

I also found, that using the liquid was far easier than using the paste
tube.  I used a 60 cc syring (as Susan had reccomended), drew out
about 46 cc (based on 1,000 lb horse, double dose), put my fingers in the
halter square and in corner of mouth, raise head towards sky, and drench all
of it down!  It was much easier and quicker than the paste!!!  Horses didn't
spit out any!

Okay, cheapest way to do it with one horse:

Buy two 92 gram tubes from Jeffers (about $30), then buy two single doses
for about $5, total cost is about $40 STILL far cheaper then the Power pak.
Anyway, into day one, with six horses, so will let folks know our results on
fecal in two weeks, and how the skinny  horse hopefully improves
(hard keeper, picky eater, and some encysted strongyles)

Karen and the tormented herd.

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