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RE: Re: Entries-Note to RM

Never thought that calling to get an entry was a big deal.  Wouldn't
want to have anyone waste paper if I'm not interested in a ride.
Our local club would occasionally send a ride application in their
newsletter, but otherwise I go online or e-mail if I can, or just call,
the old-fashioned way. 

K. in N. Calif.

-----Original Message-----
From: Truman Prevatt, PhD []
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 3:44 PM
To: Dennis Ginn
Subject: RC: Re: Entries-Note to RM

This really depends on the region. In the SE entries are sent out with
the SERA news letter. I think a similar thing happens in the PNW.  Also
most RM's in the SE will get the SERA mailing list and send flyers to
all members. They also usually send them to riders that rode the
previous year. 

It's nice to have the flyers, but one phone call can get you one some
are actually on line linked from the rides pages so I am not sure this
is a big issue. 


Dennis Ginn wrote: 

 I,too, thought that was one reason for membership. That's been the
method with every other riding organization I've been involved with.
Perhaps it adds a bit to the cost of a ride, but what if I weren't on
the internet? I would have to rely on the EN?  Obviously, I have no clue
how these things are set up and funded, being a newbie, and all.I guess
I need to be a volunteer to find out some of these things!! P.S.On this
newbie thing, and after reading some other "hints" from some posters,
perhaps there should be a Ridecamp "clinic" to helpwith some of the
questions about how to post, etc.(just a thought) Nancy


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