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RE: Animal by-products in feed - Try the old way

Hi folks,
Let me drop in from the last century, because that's where I live. Sure, as
a well-paid "foreigner" or rich Egyptian, I can afford to run out and buy
goodies for at least my dogs, cats and myself that you all take for granted.
How many varieties and choices of animal feed do you have? There are (and
only within the last year) three different dog foods...and they aren't
always available. And what did the dogs eat before? Yummy chicken feet or
just bread with a little milk. Granted, not my dogs, but what goes with that
"natural" lifestyle is so often a "natural" ignorance. Pesticides or
preservatives? Too expensive to use, but ever nursed a kid through
salmonella or botulism? No fun, let me tell you. If you have an upset
stomach in Egypt, the first question is "What did you eat?".  I don't eat
beef, nor do I feed it to my horses. They also have never seen hay and would
certainly be better off for having some. You have a feed choice here of
alfalfa(berseem), young corn or sorghum stalks, barley or barley, young corn
or sorghum stalks, or berseem. Your horse is old? 18 is considered old here
and my 26 yr old mare who still trucks around is a minor miracle.

Come on, guys. Think for a minute. North Americans are starting from a point
that large parts of our world will probably NEVER reach. Natural is
wonderful and I wouldn't trade one piece of our fruit or one of our tomatoes
for all the veggies in Safeway, but I also know that I have to wash off some
"natural" flora and fauna that would make most Americans faint. It's really
easy to point at preservatives and say that they are the reason for the rise
in cancer or mental illness. Come with me for a ride in our farms and I'll
show you plenty of unpreserved people who should be in hospitals if there
were decent ones that could be afforded or if the family would admit that
the girl who sits crying all day actually has a problem.

It would be lovely if life were so simple. It isn't.

Maryanne Stroud Gabbani
Cairo, Egypt
I had to weigh in on this. The reason you see those diseases in humans these
days? We live about twice as long now as back in the old days, mainly due to
western medicine, immunizations, preservatives, yep, all that "evil" stuff.
When you live that long, you are bound to get something. Thank goodness we
have preservatives-hardly anyone dies of food poisoning these days. I work
in Oncology and have done so for years. When I worked at CHLA, we had lots
of moms who would withdraw their kids from chemo and take them for
homeopathic treatment. The last one I remember had a growth as big as his
head behind his ear. The "doctor" said the cancer was growing out of his
body and would fall off with herbs, then the boy would be well. He came back
to us at the hospital but by then it was too late. ?Homeopathy has its
place, but it will never take the place of Western Meds.175 Hells Hollow
Blue Ridge, GA 30513

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