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Re: RC: help with kicking horse

Storm is kicking out at other horses because he thinks they may attack
him.  And, I agree, when you are on his back, you MUST be the herd
leader.  If you can get a bunch of friends together, this works very
well:  While you are on his back, have your friends ride quietly up to
him and reach out and pet him.  He has the idea that every horse is going
to get him, and when something nice happens from other horses, he
hopefully will get back some confidence and quit being so defensive.  We
have the most excellent instructor up her in No. Calif. and I have seen
this work over and over again with horses that did not like other horses
coming close to them.  Everytime you can, have other riders come up to
your horse while mounted, tell your guy "It's OK" and pet him and have
them pet him from their horse.  He'll think your controlling them and
making them behave.  Best of Luck   Renie

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