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Like many of the AERC Directors, I read ridecamp.  Most of the time I don't feel it appropriate for me to make statements via ridecamp because the Endurance News and our AERC website are the official voices of AERC.  However, I feel compelled to correct some gross misinformation that seems to be making the rounds on ridecamp.
1)  AERC is not even close to financial distress.  1999 saw a year end profit of $62,000.00+/- and the final tabulation for 2000 will be $70,000.00+/-.  That is up from about $6,000.00+/- in 1998.  Our overall budget is $600,000.00+/-, so we are showing a 10%+ bottom line profit.  However, most of the actual profit can be attributed to the income from AERC Sponsors, so it is imperative that the Sponsorship Program not only continue, but continue to grow.  It is important to remember that Sponsors come and go according to what they feel they are getting from their sponsorships, but AERC members tend to remain for personal reasons attributed to their interests in the sport.  Thus, it is likely that some slight increases in membership costs may arise.  We have not had a dues increase since 1995 or 96.  The rider fees have not risen since even before then.  The Board will be analyzing the impact of different methods to increase AERC income with the most minimal affect on our membership.  As an example, if we raise the Rider Recording Fee (sent in with the ride results) by $1.00..that will increase AERC income about $20,000.00.  If the Ride Managers only pass that along and not try to make a profit center from the increase, then your entry fee only raises by $1.00. 
2)  Membership numbers have shown a steady increase since 1998.  The SUNDOWNER MEMBERSHIP DISCOUNT that gives a 25% discount to all new members has been extended for 5 years...a single new membership is $48.75 and a new family membership is $56.25.  That should significantly help our growth, which is one of the lifebloods to success.  The more members we have the more attractive we are to Sponsors, advertisers, etc. 
3)  The Endurance News has shown a decrease in publishing costs.  Our Office Staff is the best we have ever had.  They are not only hard working, but loyal to the organization and consider themselves both employees and AERC Members.  They have investigated and put in play many cost saving measures, including some significant cost saving measures in the production of the Endurance News.
Personally, I believe the color cover and inside feature articles are a "billboard" form of advertising and promotion for AERC and endurance riding. A fellow riecamper mentioned taking EN's to her IAHA meetings..that is an example of advertising and promotion.  Communication between people with common interests is an integral ingredient to success in all organizations.  If that communication (the EN) is produced in such a way that it also attracts the interest of people from outside of the primary group, then that is a form of marketing  to attract new members while serving the interests of the membership.
4)  However, with all this said, it does not mean that AERC and its membership can go out and not worry about the future.  Costs are rising in every segment of our existence and as a group we must share in the well being of AERC.  I don't think there are areas in AERC where we are mismanaging our funds.  But, as our income has increased, so has the needs of various segments of our interests.  One of the most important is the preservation and development of TRAILS.  Jerry Fruth has taken our Trails Committee to new national levels.  He has raised the bar on the proactive level of the Trails Committee.  But that action has a cost.  Our Tech Committee has brought us to new levels of technology with a new computer program soon to be completed, but that has a cost.  Our other committees have importance to the well being of AERC and they also have costs attributed to their actions.  We have evolved beyond the limited vision of an organization whose only responsibility was to keep records, mileage and points for its membership. 
In fact, I don't think the founders of AERC envisioned that we would only be a record keeping organization.  I quote from our original charter dated April 10, 1972:
"The specific and primary purpose of this corporation are:
a)  To promote the sport and pastime of endurance riding, to set as an information center and clearing house for information concerning endurance riding, and to encourage better care and prevention of cruelty to animals and to receive (either in trust or otherwise) and maintain a fund or funds; and administer, apply and expend income therefrom and the principal thereof, for the purposes above stated, within the United States of America.
b)  To gather and disseminate information pertaining to the riding of horses over long distances, presently known in the Western United States of America as "endurance riding", and to encourage the riding of historical trails and to preserve such trails for future generations.
c) to encourage and sponsor the collection and publication of scientific data with detailed methodical examination and tests of horses, for beneficial use by the Veterinary and Medical professions.
d) To present awards for outstanding performance in endurance riding.
e) To exercise all the powers of a non-profit corporation set forth in Section 0501 of the Corporations Code; provided, however, that this corporation shall not; except to an insubstantial degree, engage in any activities or exercise any powers that are not in furtherance of the primary purposes of this corporation."
When Steph proposed to this group that there may be some future increases, and asked for your thoughts, she in no way was implying we were a weak organization.  The strength of AERC lies in its membership - in their input and participation.  We are a growing and dynamic organization with members from diverse and differing backgrounds.  However, we share a common interest in our love of horses and our love of endurance riding.  Like all loves, there is an expense that must be incurred. 
Randy Eiland
AERC President

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