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Re: RC: Hike The Hill

Since I was the one who put out the word on Hike the Hill - I would really like to have a conversation with Pat, the person that is going and representing AERC.  I am thrilled someone is going, as I was thrilled that Connie Berto went last year.  It was very effective.  However, our mission is TRAIL.  We want to put Trails first. Before Weed Free, before the Ecoli of the Horse or any other very important issue we have.  This is because if we do not stay focused on the trails, we dilute our effort.  The way this works is that we have aligned ourselves with the American Hiking Society who uses foot trails.  We as horse riders are foot traffic and therefore are concerned about our single track trails as well as all trails.  This week of lobbying for trails is funded by a grant.  So we need to stay focused on the reason the grant was given.  And we certainly do not have an argument about wanting trails for our horses!

At 11:22 AM 2/26/00 -0500, you wrote:

I'd like to personally thank you for representing AERC and horseback riders
in DC.

Is AERC providing you with any monetary compensation from the Trails fund?
Will you be at the AERC Convention? Could we take up a collection at the
Convention to off set at least some of your expenses?

I would imagine that you already have all of the bases covered -- trails,
trail heads, keeping current trails open to horses, opening new areas to
horses, establishing new trails to include horses, weed free feed and it's
ramifications, reminding DC of the economic value of horses and everything
involving horses -- vehicles, jobs, gasoline, tack, feed, etc., etc., etc.

Thank you again,


Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net,  
Information, Policy, Disclaimer: 

Nancy DuPont, Executive Director
Heritage Trails
1350 Castle Rock Road
Walnut Creek, CA 94598

Our Mission: To preserve and protect trails and answer the question, "Where are you going to ride your horses, and where are you going to keep them."
Telephone (925)937-7661 FAX (925) 943-7431

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