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Fwd: ride managers

In a message dated 02/20/2000 10:48:26 AM Pacific Standard Time, BMcCrary27 

 In a message dated 02/19/2000 3:27:19 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
 << also, (to a point) keeps 'conflict of interest' from
  rearing it's ugly head, in case of certian problems.
 I agree.  I remember once on what has now become "our" ride, the head vet's 
girlfriend rode.  Don't you just think the other riders called THIS a 
conflict of interest!  I HAVE ridden one of our own rides rarely, but I 
accept the breaks just like any other rider.  I think the main point the 
other writer was trying to make is that a non-riding alternate ride manager 
should either not have to be an AERC member or be given a reduced rate for 
 I don't see why this should be.  It suggests that a ride manager who wants 
to ride his own ride can just draft ANYONE into the day manager job and 
everything will go fine.

---- Begin included message ----
In a message dated 02/19/2000 3:27:19 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< also, (to a point) keeps 'conflict of interest' from
 rearing it's ugly head, in case of certian problems.

I agree.  I remember once on what has now become "our" ride, the head vet's 
girlfriend rode.  Don't you just think the other riders called THIS a 
conflict of interest!  I HAVE ridden one of our own rides rarely, but I 
accept the breaks just like any other rider.  I think the main point the 
other writer was trying to make is that a non-riding alternate ride manager 
should either not have to be an AERC member or be given a reduced rate for 
I don't see why this should be.  It suggests that a ride manager who wants to 
ride his own ride can just draft ANYONE into the day manager job and 
everything will go fine.

---- End included message ----

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