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Leg up (a bit long)

I have to add my little tale to the step stool thread.
I was an avid rider when I was a child - hunt seat, over fences, a tiny bit of dressage.  I was diagnosed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) when I was 14, and through the years have been pulled away from riding by various things - marriage, children, jobs, relocations, etc.
I started riding again about 4 years ago, when I bought a Morgan mare.  To my dismay, I have had to use a step stool or chair or WHATEVER was available to get up in the saddle, English or Western.  My Morgan mare died, I purchased my lovely Arab, Gracie, who is a bit shorter than Duchess the Morgan.  Still used a chair, picnic bench, etc.  
I was goofing around on the trail Sunday and ended up on the ground.  Gracie and I were alone, as usual, and a few miles away from the stable.  Much too far to walk, especially with MS.  The only thing high enough to mount from was the couch (I kid you not - a couch on the trail) that spooked her. She was having none of that. So I tried to mount from the ground.  After two tries I GOT UP! 
What I wanted to contribute, other than patting myself on the back and shaking my fist in the air, is that I agree with a post I read here earlier stating that it is easier all the way around if you mount from a stool or chair, etc.  It was a bit trying for Gracie, and I know my saddle was a little crooked once I got up.  It was really nice to know I could do it if I had to, but I will continue to use something to step up on and drop myself gracefully into the saddle. And never own anything over 15 hands high.
Denise and Grace in sunny (80 degrees) Florida

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