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Re: Heartrates up to 220 again

In a message dated 2/15/00 1:24:04 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< I have questions about the interval training.  How much base should you 
have before you try this?  My horse only has 10 months of base (all mountain 
training).  Also, my horse has a resting rate of 29 and the other day we 
galloped up a hill (about 40 degree incline and about 1 minute long) to see 
where she would spike to.  The highest reading i saw was 202 for about 5 
seconds and then she wanted to back off, which I let her.  How does a person 
know where each horse's top end heart rate range is?  I look at  Wolfgang's 
numbers for Ninja and I think my horse would explode maintaining those kind 
of HR.  It seems like a fine line to know where to push the horse to and how 
much is too much.
 Any ideas?  Tom?  Wolfgang?
 Regards, >>

Again, it's a matter of doing a little bit more each week. What's good for 
Wolfgang's horse MAY just kill your horse. You did the right thing listening 
to the horse. If the horse backs off, even a little bit, the workout is 
over--that way you'll avoid doing severe damage. Even thn, though, you can 
cause damage if you're introducing a whole new stressor suddenly. The Prime 
Law of conditioning horses is "No Surprises". 


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