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Over the last couple of years there have been some mention in periodicals of
alfalfa possibly
being a contributor to enteroliths.  A high percentage of enterolith colic
surgery cases happens
to be Arabians in California on an alfalfa diet.

Well, I know someone who breeds for halter and feeds his sedentary horses
alfalfa cubes
exclusively.  He has had three enterolith colic surgeries at an average cost
of $8k each when
you tally up all the associated fees.   Apparently, the vet also told him
that a high magnesium
level is suspected to be contributory to enteroliths.  So what does he do?
He looks into
filtering the water for magnesium, and still won't change his feed. (I guess
I know a lot of
hard headed people - he doesn't wear helmets either.)

I don't know what future research would bring, but I changed my boarding
facility to where
they feed good grass hay.  During the winter they feed alfalfa at night, but
basically they
feed good grass hay the rest of the year.  My horse is happy and I'm happy
that at least
I'm not willingly increasing my horse's chance for colic surgery!

Kathy Mayeda & Beau Joust

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