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Re: Re: Can you paint a helmet???

In a message dated Thu, 28 Dec 2000  4:14:18 PM Eastern Standard Time, "Karen 
Sullivan" <> writes:

<< Good for you, Heidi,

As a helmet crusader (I have tons of literature), I applaud your efforts,
but wonder why Idaho 4-H has no helmet rude for the 4-H horse program?
California adopted it about 6 years ago, thanks goodness! >>

Karen, this really baffled me, too, as more and more equine sports are 
adopting helmet rules for junior riders.  I find it ironic that we are faced 
with a conflict with the state over underage kids that have participated for 
several years under a pre-4-H program called "Cloverbuds" and are now being 
excluded due to age, and the reason cited for this exclusion is liability.  I 
would think that in this day and age where helmets are so well-documented at 
preventing or diminishing the seriousness of head injuries that the liability 
would be FAR more terrible if a child were injured and NO policy was in place 
for such safety features.  (Not to mention the potential risk to the children 
themselves!)  We are meeting in January with one of the heads of the state 
extension service to discuss both issues, and hopefully we can convince the 
state not to discriminate against these younger kids but at the same time 
tighten up safety regulations for ALL the kids...


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