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Re: RC: Re: Re: XP rides

At 09:48 PM 12/02/2000 -0700, Susan Garlinghouse wrote:
>It seems that time for beet pulp pellets to soak up is really variable
>betwen regions, mills, etc.  Some take a long time, some just a few hours.
>Probably mostly has to do with pressure used to pelleting, and/or possible
>the amount of molasses added during processing.

Okay, so if they add molasses to the pellets -- is that to hold the pellets 
together or to make it more palatable for the horses?  I can't tell that 
the horses have any preference over shredded or pelleted.  Once it is 
soaked, it looks identical.  I have bags of each and feed the shredded when 
I don't have time (or it's too cold) to soak the pellets.  So if I did want 
to make the BP more palatable, what do you think would be better to add - 
molasses or brown sugar?  If you did do that on occasion, is there any 
concern over rotting out our horses teeth?  I've been told not to feed 
sugar cubes, that it'll rot their teeth -- is that an old wives tale?

>Enough babbling.

Oh yeah, right.  Babble on.  :+0


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