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2001 XP, can you help with......

In case there might be an endurance rider alive who doesn't know about the 
XP next year  <G>......I'm going 
to be doing this thing (or at least, attempting to).....and that includes 
taking photos and putting them up each week as the ride progresses.

We're still working on the links on this 
page:    but for now, Steph has her 
estimated (best guesses) of the trail as it goes from MO thru KS, NE, WY, 
UT, NV, CA..

If any of you out there live near the trail or know somebody that does and 
can help me with the following, please send me an e-mail: (feel free to 
forward this post to all of your friends)

Phone line, so I can plug in my laptop and connect to the internet and 
upload photos.  I will have an 800# ISP, and just need to plug in for 30-60 

or.....access to the internet, so that I can give you the files on disks to 
email for me.

I'm also looking for boarding facilities and people who will have pasture 
available.  Also, if anybody has any suggestions for links to webpages that 
riders might find helpful please email them to me.  THANKS!!

Happy Trails,

in NV

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