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Hi,  I hope someone out there can answer my question for me.  I had terrible saddle fitting problems with my Wintec last year, lots of ruffled and white hairs in huge areas.  I was told by a saddle maker that the saddle fit (um... I don't think so!)  Yes it fit him standing still but obviously not when working.  Finally tried LOTS of different saddles and settled on a Courberette Magic VSD(Canadian edition).  Acording to the "endurance people" I most of them seem to use a wool pad or a Cloud 9 pad.  I do eventing and JP's, CTR's along with lots of trail riding.  So... my question is.  It has been recommended by my coach to use an all cotton pad (as apparently my horse is reating to the foam in my old saddle pad as well as it retained heat) with a gel pad.  Does anyone have any experience with gelpads over the type of distances that I would do?  They are certainly cheaper than the wool pad.  I also am a bit concerned that the panels on the Magic are AWD (aka high density foam).  Do you think the gelpad will keep him cool enough.  People who use them seem to swear by them.  Any input would be appreciated.  Thanks DL               

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