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RE: The Endurance News (was Donna's Column)
As someone who has finally joined AERC (probably the only Egyptian member)
and has yet to get a copy of EN......but who has been an editor and writer
for a magazine here in Egypt for some time now, I'd like to point out a
couple of things. NEWSLETTERS can provide a lot of extremely useful
information at very low cost to the provider and to the user. They are
usually aimed at a fairly narrow audience and are happy to break even.
MAGAZINES make most of their money from advertising, must usually aim at a
wider audience to even break even and often lose a lot of money....Trust
me. I'd personally prefer to have a good newsletter as a member of AERC
than a half-assed magazine. I get Practical (or Impractical) Horseman,
Equus, even have gotten Arabian Horse World for a few years. AHW (or Equine
Playboy, as it's known here) is almost 100% ads and takes me about 10
minutes to read after which I pass it on to others for the pretty pictures
of how we don't want to clip our horses. I agree that it is a good thing for
AERC to be financially sound, but maybe this just isn't the place to go
Hollywood. Leave Equus to Equus.
Maryanne Stroud Gabbani
Cairo, Egypt
It seems to me that the whole question about whether the EN should be paying
articles comes down to a very simple question: Is the Endurance News a
or a newsletter?
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