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South Africa Ride

Pictures from the race in South Africa are up on our web-page at  Included are both pictures from the race and 
from our traveling before the race.

I needed to make a couple of corrections to the story.  First, none of the 
international riders finished.  All pulled by the 110 km mark including 
Suzanne who regularly rides in South Africa.  Second, I pulled at 80km due to 
lameness.  I was not affected by the weather since both the temperature and 
terrain are what I live and train on everyday.  (in fact it was cooler there 
than home which was still over 100 degrees!)  

The 160km (100 mile) started at 1 am.  This was actually a great time to 
start a longer race and an idea for races in the US.  This makes the finish 
more 'spectator friendly'.  For the riders, rather than getting comfortably 
to sleep and having to wake up you just ride through the night to compete.

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