Check it Out!
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Hi Kathy,
I have been interested in this horse for a long time . . . . . . . ever since they began advertising him in AHW.   The thing that bugs me is that while they always have big, splashy, full page ads, they have never shown a full picture of him . . . . . . always just his head and neck.  That makes me wonder what they're trying to hide . . . . . if nothing, then show off his whole body . . . . . . if he's really nice, let's see two or three different angles.  From this webpage you can only see a tiny picture of him walking away.  I have meant to get his video hoping to see what he *really* looks like, but haven't gotten around to it yet.
Linda Hedgpeth
Janesville, CA
----- Original Message -----
From: Kathy Mayeda
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 4:33 PM
Subject: RC: Breeding the Distance Horse

Check this out!!!  Pretty and athletic in one package?

    Check it Out!    

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