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Re: LD Meetings

>Maybe I am misunderstanding what is being said here, but the rides I've
>been to in the West (okay- only 5 so far) have all had LD meetings. 
>Criteria, the trail, and all that stuff was discussed.
The AERC Rules state: Limited Distance competitors must be offered a separate and specific briefing on the special features and requirements of Limited Distance Rides.
Bo and I are holding the Armadillo 100/50/25 on October 21st (the mid-year Board meeting date in Dallas, TX and I can't be there :-(  <sniff, sniff>).  To us the 'separate and specific briefing' is the important part of this rule.
At our pre-ride brief for all distances, we go over all the trail particulars (not in great detail, as the marking is supposed to get them through it with no problems), how the vet check works, introduce vets and the head vet will go over ride criteria.
After a question & answer session, we then ask the 25 milers to stay for an in-depth session. This is where we explain that there is NO finish line for the LD (ride time stops when the rider calls for and subsequently meets criteria). We explain that speed at the shorter distance is what can kill horses. We also stress the fact that if any problems occur during the next 2 weeks after the stress of an endurance ride, your veterinarian should be called and the problem discussed with him/her and to let them know you just did a stressful ride.
I don't know how the Ride Managers in the other regions conduct their LD pre-ride briefings, but I truly believe that RM's everywhere should incorporate the above ideas into their briefings. All RM's should address these concerns with the riders. And if anyone else has a good idea for our briefing, please contact me.
And RM's MUST hold a SEPARATE AND SPECIFIC briefing for the LD rides in order to comply with the AERC rules.  <Dede - I hope that is what you meant when you said the 5 rides had held LD meetings.>
Linda Parrish
Kennard, TX (in the middle of Davy Crockett National Forest in east Texas)


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