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Re: RC: Young, really young riders
Maryben I'm not a child psychologist but just a grandparent of a three year old
boy who loves horses and loves to ride (with a adult holding on) and help his
grandmother with the dishes and sweeping. He just doesn't have the mental
capacity to discern what to logically do or handle a crunch situation yet and no
comprehension of danger. This is not a war against the Lewises and folks should
not take as such but I personally would not do the same thing with my grandson.
As for 10 years old, I see it as an established point for many other things (9
4-H) but 8 may work for a 25, 10 for a 50 and 12 for a 100 (thanks Karen).
there are the few that can do it younger but I think that's really a minority
and 5
years is really pushing it and 6 is border line. Their still first grade kids
and they still think their invincible. I believe no one will be permanently
driven out of riding endurance because the have to be old enough. In a dressage
test the rider must have the mental capacity to memorize the teat and control
the horse and this is a lot more sedate condition than an endurance ride. My
wife has
taught preschool and Middle school we discussed the issue at length at length
last night and neither one of us changed our conclusions. This is the last I'm
posting on this, said my piece now and Steph has ordered a change of subject.
To the AERC, please consider this a valid issue to be brought up at the next
Merryben@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 10/10/00 8:17:01 PM Pacific Daylight Time, donp@dcr.net
> writes:
> << Most CTR's
> have a 10 year old minimum age for juniors and I think that is a good idea
> for
> AERC to take up. Is anyone there listening?
> How about you folks who are running for the board, any thoughts? >>
> I am on the board and everyone knows I have thoughts. Why do you pick 10.
> What makes a ten year old better. I have started a whole lot of juniors in
> endurance. Every one of them started with 50's, not LD. Larissa was 5 and
> went on to be national champion when she was 11. Heather Bergantz was 11 and
> we all know what she is doing at age 23, such as winning BC at Tevis. She
> was also a national champion. Julie Caprino was about 7 or 8 and went on to
> be national champion. She just left for Cal Poly and took her horse with
> her. Megan Chamberlin was 7, Breanna Chamberlin was about 10, Holly Bergantz
> [Heather's sister] was 11 or so. Anyway, my point is, why make another rule.
> It has worked fine for years. Tevis has a rule that I think is 12 years.
> This makes sense and I have no problem with it because Tevis has some
> horribly remote areas where no help could reach anyone. But that is their
> choice. Why are we even fixing something that is not broken. Oh yeah, I
> forgot another of my juniors who was at Tevis this year. She was one of the
> vets. Melissa Ribley. She rode by herself until they changed the rules and
> she had to have a sponsor. Then she sponsored me.....maryben
n:Pollock;Don & Linda
note:JR- BUT DADDY, that's log with BIG musrooms on it, it'll eat me.
adr;quoted-printable:;;Oak Hill Farm=0D=0A1400 Birdie Road;Lawrenceburg;Kentucky;40342;
fn:Don & Linda Pollock & JR n Bay Star
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