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Re: RC: World's youngest rider question
At 09:55 PM 10/10/00, Liz wrote:
>I am assuming a 3-year old is not old enough to really want to do this and
>nag his parents until they say yes.
Don't know about that. We had some guests this summer who had their 3 year
old daughter with them. The mom is horse crazy but they don't have any
horses. The kid wanted to get on a horse very badly the whole time she was
here, so when mom decided to go for a ride, the kid threw a tantrum till
she could ride, too. The parents first had her on the saddle with
them. Then when they got tired and wanted to get off, the kid had another
fit - she did NOT want to stop. They humored her and led her around a
while. When they took her off - after about 1 1/2 hours of the first time
ever on a horse - the kid cried - she wanted to keep going.
This leads me to think that maybe if she lived here, this would be a kid
who wanted to get on a horse every day. This 3 year old would definitely
nag her parents till they said yes.
By the way, I've seen lots of little kiddies on lead line classes at
shows. Have seen them being ponied in parades - that's way more
unpredictable and dangerous than on a trail, if you ask me! I have seen
them here in NM at roundups and cattle drives, riding old babysitter horses
with no one even holding a lead rope. AND I last year I watched a 4 or 5
year old - I can't remember which now - *competing* in barrel racing (she
wasn't very fast but she did it). Heck, they have classes for kids that
age riding (bucking) sheep - then they graduate to riding (bucking) calves
by the time they're 6 or 7. 5 year olds are out there goat
roping. There's a whole world out there of people whose little kids are
not as sheltered as what I've been reading about on RC. Those kids can't
all be simply the result of parents who are pushy. Lif
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