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Re: RC: Toddlers

In a message dated 10/10/2000 1:12:47 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< I can tell 
 you all with absolute certainty, that if ANY three year old child in an 
 endurance ride, had such an accident, and was airlifted to ANY regional 
 trauma center, that Someone on the medical team would question the 
 circumstances. Medical people are not necessarily fond of any creatures on 
 earth, and many dislike livestock. (imagine that) If the Medical staff 
 member (Doctor, Nurse, Psychologist, of Social Worker) SUSPECTED that it was 
 an innappropriate or potentially dangerous situation that the kid had been 
 put in, they would be mandated by law to report their suspicions to Child 
 Protective services, who are mandated by law to investigate. >>

This is what I mean by government intervention into the lives of people.


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