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Re: Re: Toddlers
> Three year olds get killed on the highway all the time. How about all the
> three year olds that drown. Let's just keep them in the house all the
> Although house safety isn't guaranteed either.
Hey Pam, no need to get so sarcastic. It was an honest question. I was not
talking about not putting a 3 year old kid on a horse, I was talking about
putting a 3 year old kid on a horse at an endurance ride. And I did not
post an opinion on whether AERC should allow it or parents should allow it.
I would not pretend to judge a parent on the decisions they make for their
kids. However, being part of AERC, I would like AERC to at least consider
the situation and evaluate the ramifications.
Hindsite is 20/20, and I think it's important to understand the
ramifications of a serious injury or worse to a very young child who is
participating in the ride. If the risk is acceptable to us and the
organization we are part of, then we/AERC can make an informed decision to
that effect. If not, AERC needs to figure out how to manage risk in a
sensible fashion.
"Be prepared for the worst, hope for the best, and almost everything is a
pleasant suprise."
Being 5 and having a crazy pony was fun - galloping down the road, carrying
my BB gun, half naked, riding bareback, barefooted, and probably screaming.
;-) No helmet until 20 years later, probably why I was stupid enough to
post on the topic to begin with. Oh yeah, and those little blue chaps.
Life was goooood.
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