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Kid and Dad get shot at a pot farm 4 year old is spared

   While i was a t a Endurance ride watching a 3 year old have the  time of
his life and a good time that was, everyone will agree. I came back to
California to find out some  sad news of some serious shooting in the
foothills. A8 year old and his dad shot in the face by a pot farm
harvestor, the 4 year old was saved. see yeasterdays News.
so wouldnt you have your child at a more peacefull gathering such as
Comstock 25-50?
And think of your ancestors being walking behind the wagons coming to the
West, the little ones too, im sure they rode horses at a young age also,
not to mention my parents always saying and i walked through 10feet of snow
 and Mt. lions to reach the School house. Cliffy gets my full Support and
the Lewis Generation. se.

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