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Re: What an earths happened here

Or - and here's a scary thought - someone has been intercepting my emails to RC and reading them for nefarious reasons. 
I have long suspected that Bill Gates is secretly in league with the FBI, CIA, IRS and any other organisation you would care to mention, and is not only *reading* our mail, but actually having it analysed by a bunch of shrinks in a subterranean basement, in order to "whittle" out those that they regard of being of superior intelligence, thereby hoping to create a "super-race".
That would also explain the disappearance of certain individuals.
What I haven't worked out is whether they have been disposed of as being of no worth, or whether WE have been dismissed of being of no worth.
The theory needs work, admittedly.
Oh, Tamara : the site is on egroups - : do a search under horsescience.

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