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Re: RC: Re: RE: AERC Elections

In a message dated 10/09/2000 12:17:31 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< Where do the canidates stand of the sanctioning of Dave Nickelson's 2001
 ride:  or has it already been sanctioned?

Joan, I sanctioned it over two years ago at the AERC convention in Lexington, 
KY.  I was the sanctioning director in charge of special events (multi-day) 
when Dave presented me with the applications.  Because it was a new special 
event, and particularly because it was an unusual one, it had to pass by 
board of directors' vote.  The BOD did pass the sanctioning as eight five-day 
events.  The only policy that Dave has not followed, and he was one who was 
quite adamant about this at one time, was the policy of not having two 
muti-day events occurring during the same time frame ANYWHERE within the USA. 
 His is such an unusual event, and such a great opportunity to see the entire 
XP trail (as near to the original as possible in this day and age), that it 
seemed a shame to place any restrictions on it.  It may, or may not, impact 
other multi-day rides, but I would think that there should be no restrictions 
placed on OTHER muti-day rides either, just becasue Dave's is happening.  Not 
everyone is going to the 2001 XP ride.  Id' love to do it myself, but I can't 
picture my husband taking off 2 months from work in order to do so.


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