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Re: RC: RE: Bonder boogie-man

In a message dated 10/8/00 3:59:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< I've "known" Marv from another list for a number of years now and have
 always found him to be patient, kind, decent and funny. I think that some
 people got off on the wrong foot here and gave him a pretty rotten welcome.
 It's been my experience that almost every technique barring abuse has its
 time and place in a relationship between horse and rider, so the more you
 learn the more you have to choose from when you have a problem.
 I think a little more live and let live is in order. I'm sure Prudence would
 Maryanne Stroud Gabbani

Sorry about the 'ditto', but the above bears repeating.
So AMEN Maryanne!


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