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quiz time :-)

Hey guys,
I'm going to be one of the speakers at the Reno convention again this year,
and originally, I was thinking about doing an excruciatingly detailed talk
about feeding fats to endurance horses---physiology, sources, when it's good
and when not-so-good and all that stuff, yada yada yada.

Now I'm sort of kicking around the idea instead of doing a talk on old
wive's tales in "traditional" feeding methods.  You know, all the stuff you
do because that's what old Fred the barn manager insists is the way to do
it, without any idea whether it's true or not.  I'll still include some bits
and pieces about feeding fats, but was thinking the Wive's Tales topic might
be more fun for everyone (as opposed to the brain damage lectures I've
foisted on you in the past)<g>, and maybe the fat discussions are better
kept for an article or two for Endurance News.

Anyway, here's the point of all this---it would be helpful if I could get a
feeling for some of the general beliefs that people think are generally true
in feeding their horses.  If you have a moment, and are interested (aka
bored beyond belief and looking for cheap entertainment), maybe you'd like
to answer the few questions below and SO AS NOT TO CLUTTER THE LIST, e-mail
them back to me directly.  I'm not keeping score, and don't need
explanations, essay answers, opinions or individual experiences (though of
course new discussions on RC are always good), just the letter of the answer
you think is most correct to give me a clue of what sort of things to
include.  Thanks!

And, if you care to see the answers, I could post them in a day or so.

1. Given appropriate choices, horses are capable of balancing their own
calcium-phosphorus ratios.
A. True
B. False

2. Feeding a cup of vinegar on a daily basis will dissolve and/or prevent
enteroliths (gut stones).
A. True
B.  False

3.  Horses do not absorb or digest animal-fat sources nearly as well as they
do vegetable-source fats.
A. True
B. False

4.  A cold storm has suddenly blown in and your horse is looking a little
cold out there.  The best way to help him maintain body heat until it warms
up again is to:
A. Feed him an extra cup of oil in his feed.
B. Feed him a couple of pounds of grain.
C. Feed him a flake of alfalfa
D. Set the barn on fire (sorry, couldn't resist).

5. Adding a biotin supplement increases the rate of growth of new hoof
A. True
B. False

6. Wheat bran mashes have laxative qualities and so are helpful in
preventing colic or impactions in horses.
A. True
B. False

7.  Feeding supplemental vitamin C on a daily basis, and pre-loading with
heavier doses prior to a stressful event, is a good way to boost the immune
system to prevent disease.
A. True
B. False


Susan G

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