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Hi, all,  I'm hoping you can help me out here.
I gave my gelding, Toc a depo-Provera shot about three weeks ago, in an effort to curb his aggression towards other horses, and his proclivity for standing on his back legs.  So far, his behaviour has been impeccable.
I am becoming concerned, however, that he is becoming depressed.  He eats his food, etc, but he just isn't his usual buoyant self.  He is lethargic in his work, although he will do whatever is asked of him.  At first, I thought he might be coming down with the same virus PG had, but he has shown no signs of it at all.  I am really worried about him.  We have this show coming up and I can't make up my mind whether or not to pull him.  It seems a little extreme to pull him over nothing more tangible than my own diagnosis of "depression".
Do you think it is a result of the hormone injection, or is there something else I should consider?  I have left a message for my vet to phone me, and I'll ask for blood tests to be done, but would value any other advice.
I have increased hid hard feed 1.5 kgs per day to 2.5 kgs and now 3 kgs per day, which for him is a whole heap of food.  I also didn't work him for five days, and he was still listless when I got on him.  It's funny - it's not as if he feels unwell, it's more like he takes no joy from what he's doing anymore - he's just going through the motions.  I may very well be anthropomorphizing here, but I am very worried, and would value any and all suggestions.

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