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Fwd: RC: saddling problem


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Hi Melanie,

I completely agree with Heidi; you are dealing with old and embedded fears.  

I'd suggest you figure out when the fear response begins.  With one horse 
that had similar saddling difficulties, I found that she would get tense each 
time I entered her "space", beginning when I was about 10 feet away.  I made 
it a point to get this horse out several times each day, and to continuously 
walk in and out of her space, always doing something pleasant once I reached 
her (scratch a special spot, etc - anything which she normally accepted 
calmly or with pleasure).  While she was tied when I did this, she was not 
cross-tied (that is, overly restrained).  

Once she began to accept my proximity with less fear, I carried things with 
me.  She didn't react until I carried the saddle toward her, so I left the 
saddle behind and carried the pad.  I would put it onto her body as much as 
she would let me, soon draping the pad over her, leaving it there, returning 
and removing it, and repeating the process.  I found it was easier at first 
to drape the pad over her neck or over her rump than to place the pad on her 
back as though I were about to saddle her.  

Once she accepted the pad unflinchingly, I was able to add the saddle, 
putting it on and going away, removing it, repeating the process.  When I 
added the girth, I was very careful to barely tighten it.  With much 
repetition and patience, this horse is now easy to saddle.

Of course, the obvious: be sure that your saddle fits and isn't causing pain.

Good luck!

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