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--- Tracey <> wrote:
> 1.  How can any human being be so stupid as to agree to
> put something in their horse's food without first
> investigating it fully.  What is next : Rat Poison as
> cure for colic???????  A friend did something similar
> recently - her horse has broken out in hives, cause
> unknown.  Some bespectacled old tart at a show says "Feed
> him 2 kgs of oats per day, it sorted out my horse's
> hives".  And yes, 2 KGS of oats, not 2 scoops, 2
> kilograms.  A Lot Of Oats.  Does my friend, who is
> otherwise relatively bright, question this advice (apart
> from discussing with vet, who in typical fashion says
> "well, try it and see")?  Nope, she just adds the 2 kgs
> of oats.  Needless to say, little obvious effect on
> hives.

Not horse related by similar in that old wives tales still
hold alot of water for some people, sometimes with
disasterous results. Case in point: Rick (firefighter
boyfriend) was first in for a motel fire on Labor day
weekend. Three gals (one with a severe case of head lice)
had called grandma to see how to get rid of them. Grandma
in her infinite wisdom prescribed kerosene combed through
the infested locks. This would work, but the silly girls
went and purchased Coleman's white gas and tried that,
thinking they had purchased kerosene. That in combination
with the lit pilot light in the kitchen where they were
working started a nasty little blaze! Vapors are flammable
don't you know! Girls made it out ok, no hair (or lice) on
one, burned hands on the other two, about 10 units of the
motel burned as well as a brand new truck parked about 8
feet from one of the units. Bet those girls wish they'd
have used RID!

Heidi-aerc#M20935  /\_/\~
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