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Re: RC: This Sport as a Sport

In a message dated 9/6/00 4:33:59 PM Pacific Daylight Time, OasisArab writes:

<< Mr Ivers
 I am in awe of your last post
 and all I can say is 
 for what you have done for the people like me that are beginning to learn 
this sport and take the advice and help from people like yourself that truly 
care about the sport and the welfare of our horses.
 please do not ever quit helping those of us, regardless if we do not choose 
to become winners but just want to continue in this sport that we truly like 
just for the enjoyment of what we can do within the realm of what we are 
capable of and  who do not have your knowledge regardless of those who are 
either too damn arrogant to admit that there are people like yourself that 
are unselfish enough to share their knowledge
 my apologies for rambling
 but again Thanks
 Bill >>

Thanks, Bill. Anytime, Pard. Guys like you on the front lines are my heroes. 
There was a time when I ate as much sand as anyone else, but those days are 
long gone for me. Your victories, large or small, are what keep me going. In 
truth, it IS selfish--you have to do all the work!


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