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RC: Olympics coverage*v}?it can work

Concerning this subject of televising an endurance event.

The UAE have lack and take sometimes the problems from the wrong side, but they did also bring a lot of good points to our sport.

I don't know if any  of you did watch their broadcast of the races organized in the UAE or sponsored by the UAE in Europe :

- the WEC1998
- the European Championship in Portugal in 1999
- the Most Preferred
- the Millenium Cup
- etcaetera....

The video made are really exceptional, with very good images, nice montage, nice comments, nice music.

I think an endurance ride can be well covered if the right resources are used, but it costs money : at the last Most Preferred, there were 3 4x4 with a platform and a big camera at the top (I remember this was scaring Orfeo all the time ; I remember having seen also 2 of them stucked in the dunes :)

Leonard and Orfeo

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