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Re: RC: Re: reply to Tom Ivers re: re FEI

In a message dated 8/30/00 8:26:14 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< Should this not be qualified by saying that "completing with a fit, 
 happy horse" is a rewarding experience?  I may not be qualified to comment,
 but from an outsider's point of view, this would seem the better of the two
 approaches. >>
Yes indeed! For someone who has NOT competed, this statement surely shows 
wisdom - more so than some who HAVE "competed".  Coincidentally, we are 
indeed bringing our 15 year old stallion back up from a near death experience 
after a bout with endocarditis. He completed a SLLOOWWWWWW 25 a few weeks ago 
(slower than we even planned because he threw a shoe!) and he is going for 
another MODERATE 25 this weekend. We are rating him for a reason, and going 
slower than recommended by the vets because we want him to live to run 
another day, even if ALL he ever does again is moderate anything. Did we 
finish with a happy horse last time? You bet your bippy we did! Studly 
thought he had died and gone to horse heaven! Would we push him just for a 
higher "placing" at any distance? Not on your life - or his! Does that make 
us iffy horse'men'? I think it make us better horse'men' than those who would 
swagger about their many accomplishments whilst their horses languish worn 
and nasty in the paddocks.  Happy horses, sound horses = satisfied riders 

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